Anahit Navasardyan


Elina Amann, last edited on 11.07.2022


Anahit Navasardyan / Rus: Анаит Навасардян

Life Dates:

b. 1957


Field of expertise:

Architectural design


Polytechnic Institute of Yerevan (1979)


Republican Review of Young Architects (1986)

Leninist Communist Youth Union of Armenia (Heroes Alley and Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Yerevan) (1986)

Short Biography and Work

The architect Anahit Navasardyan was born in Yerevan on 28 December 1957. She graduated from the Polytechnic Institute of Yerevan in 1979.

During her career, she dedicated herself to projects related to residential architecture but also to public spaces and institutional facilities. These include the construction of the Severny Luch (жилого квартала “Северный луч”) residential district in Yerevan. The architecture is nowadays described as utopian romanticism. Due to the economic and political consequences of the Soviet era, not all buildings could be completed, so individual pieces of work remain in a ruin of incomplete works. Other works by the architect can be found in the Armenian cities of Gyulakarak or Oktemberyan, among others. She designed kindergartens, hotels and polyclinics.
Navasardyan was also involved in the construction of the Historical Museum of the Technical School of Yerevan State University (Исторический музей ЕГУ) in Yerevan. Her works can be found not only in various towns and villages of Armenia, but also in the capital of the United States. The reconstruction of the Department of Veterans Affairs (Департамент по делам ветеранов), as well as the reconstruction of the Washington Monument Obelisk (обелиск Вашингтонмонумент) were planned and designed by her.

Navasardyan’s work was also shaped by an urban planning context. She was responsible for the Avenue of Heroes and Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Akhtanak Park (Аллея Героев и могила Неизвестного солдата в парке “Ахтанак”) in her hometown. This work by the Armenian architect was honoured with the Komsomol Prize of Armenia in 1986. Her numerous works paid off. In the same year, she was awarded the Prize of the Republican Review of Young Architects.

Fig. 1: Grave of the unknown sodier at Akhtanak Park, Yerevan
Fig. 2: Housing complex Severny Luch (Жилой комплекс «Северный луч») in Yerevan