Industrial designer
Alla Vronskaya, last edited on 28.07.2022
Izzet Gayibova / Az: İzzət Qayıbova / Rus: Изетт Гаибова
Life Dates:
1914 – 1994
Special Artistic-Construction Office (SKhKB), Baku
Field of expertise:
Industrial design
Transcaucasian Institute of Railroad Transportation, Tbilisi
Izzet Gayibova was born in Tbilisi, Georgia, in the family of Azerbaijani mufti Jahangir Gayibov and a descendant of the Persian royal dynasty Ziba Qajar (Kadzhar). Through her mother, Gayibova was related to the Belarusian architect Lea Qajar. As a child, Gayibova lived in Istanbul, where her father was a diplomat, attending a French school. The family returned to Tbilisi in 1925, where her father lost his life in the Great Terror of 1937. The rest of the family then moved to Baku, where Gayibova graduated from the university. Gayibova’s fiancee was killed in the Second World War, and she never married and did not have children.
Working in industry, she became the deputy head of the Council of People’s Economy, in the early 1960s founding and heading the Special Artistic-Construction Office (SKhKB), the first office of industrial design in Azerbaijan. While other SKhKB were created in other major Soviet cities (Moscow, Leningrad, Kharkiv, Sverdlovsk, among others), the only one of its kind, the Baku Office focused on the design for the oil industry. It developed over 30 “artistic-construction projects”, including those for electric pipe truck, drill winch, drilling rig, and control rooms. In addition, the Office worked on projects related to automobile, textile, and other industries (products and factory workshops design alike), as well as for the design of domestic consumer objects, such as a series of modular plastic bathroom devices.
“…I remember how we, with my sister, a young schoolgirl, looked at the design journals–that was a wonderful, colorful, and magic western world. The thing is, that every month aunt Iza received recent foreign design journals from Moscow, Italian Domus and some Japanese journal. Later I saw Domus in Paris, in the permanent collection of the Centre Pompidou. Can you imagine flipping through these journals in Baku in the 1960s, when everything was gray?”
Recollections of Kamilla Garabaghli, the niece of Izzet Gayibova
I. Gaibova [Gayibova], “Nashe glavnoe napravlenie,” Tekhnicheskaia estetika, No.1, 1966: 13-14. Instagram post by Stasia Orlova-Stroganova
I am indebted to Stasia Orlova-Stroganova and Rustam Nazir Gayibov for providing sources and information.
Main image: Image courtesy of Rustam Nazir Gayibov
Fig. 1: (uploaded by СCCРЕК :: Реклама из СССР) (last accessed on 26.07.2022), image in public domain
Fig. 2: (uploaded by СCCРЕК :: Реклама из СССР) (last accessed on 26.07.2022), image in public domain
Fig. 3: (uploaded by Автомобили и Техника СССР и Соц. Стран) (last accessed on 26.07.2022), image in public domain
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