Isolde Andrä

Architect, author


Benjamin Eckel, last edited on 01.08.2022


Isolde Andrä

Life Dates:


Field of expertise:

Architectural design


Bauakademie der DDR


Women’s Commission of the BdA of the GDR

Short Biography and Work

Isolde Andrä was employed at the Institute for Urban Planning and Architecture at the German Building Academy of the GDR. Since its foundation in 1976, Isolde Andrä was also chairwoman of the Women’s Commission within the BdA (Association of German Architects) until 1988.

In addition, Isolde Andrä wrote, among other things, the article “Frauen im Architektenberuf” (Architektur der DDR, 3/1982) and another on urban planning processes in the same journal in 1985.


Andrä, Isolde: Frauen im Architektenberuf, in: Architektur der DDR, 3/1982, Berlin.

Andrä, Isolde: Tradition und Fortschritt. Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen im Städtebauprozeß [sic!], in: Architektur der DDR, 8/1985, Berlin.

Andrä, Isolde; Krause, Carl: Zur Qualität der Baukörpergestaltung, Berlin 1987.


Urban, Florian: The Invention of the Historic City. Building the Past in East Berlin 1970-1990, Berlin 2006. (last accessed on 01.08.2022) (last accessed on 01.08.2022)

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