Abdul Huseynov, last edited 12.04.2023
Tugra Bagir-Zade (EN) / Tuğra Bağırzadə (AZ) / Тугра Багир-Заде (RU)
Tugra Bagir-Zade (1915-1997) was a chief architect at Azərdövlətmemarlayihə institute during the 1940s and the 1950s. She was a recipient of “distinguished architect of Azerbaijan” award.
Uriyada Figarova (EN) / Uriyada Fiqarova (AZ) / Уриада Фигарова (RU)
Uriyada Figarova (1912-1991; also known as Fətullayeva-Fiqarova) was employed as a chief architect at the State Construction Commission of Azerbaijan, where she was responsible for master plans of several cities in the republic, including Şəki and Zaqatala (both between 1946 and 1955). In the late 1960s, she designed a park in Şuşa. Fiqarova received the “distinguished construction worker of Azerbaijan” award.
Fiqarova was the aunt of renowned Azerbaijani architect and architectural historian Şamil Fətullayev-Fiqarov, who in his memoir recalled her formative influence upon his development when he lived in her apartment as a student.
Galina Filonovich / Галина Филонович
Working at BakıDövətLayihə, Galina Filonovich was the chief architect of the masterplan of Guneshli district (near Baku) and of a number of other residential districts.
Umai Ibragimova (EN) / Umay İbrahimova (AZ) / Умай Ибрагимова (RU)
Umai Ibragimova (1927-2012) was an architect at Azərdövlətlayihə, where she designed one of the micro-districts in Sumgait. She also participated in the development of master plans for a number of other Azerbaijan cities.
Lydia Khrapunova (EN) / Lidiya Xrapunova (AZ) / Лидия Храпунова (RU)
Lydia Khrapunova was an architect at the design office of trust Apsheronneftrazvedka (Absheron Oil Exploration). She designed a residential building for the trust, which was built in the 1950s on the intersection of Beybutov and Nizami streets in Baku. The building was critiqued in professional press of the time, although later came to be seen as an indispensable part of the city. In the early 1960s, Khrapunova designed the building of the central bank of Yakutia in Yakutsk, Russia.
Khanum Rakhmanova (EN) / Xanım Rəhmanova (AZ) / Ханум Рахманова (RU)
Khanum Rakhmanova (1920-1999) was an architect at Azərdövlətlayihə. She was a co-author of the building of the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan State Socialist Republic (today, the National Assembly of Azerbaijan, Azərbaycan Respublikasının Milli Məclisi). Rakhmanova was a recipient of the “distinguished construction worker of Azerbaijan” award.
Rəhmanova is mentioned by Veronika Tripolskaya in her interview: https://womenbuildingsocialism.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/WBS-Interview-Veronika-Tripolskaya.pdf
Irina Tikhomirova (EN) / İrina Tixomirova (AZ) / Ирина Тихомирова (RU)
Working at BakıDövətLayihə, Irina Tikhomirova designed a residential district and several residential and public buildings in Baku, including a school and a dormitory in Hövsan district.