Alexandra Petushkova


Alla Vronskaya, last edited on 02.05.2022


Alexandra Petushkova / Rus: Александра Васильевна Петушкова

Life Dates:



Field of expertise:

Architectural design



Short Biography and Work

Alexandra Petushkova is known as a character in Sergey Gerasimov’s film Love of Mankind (1972), where she (played by Tamara Makarova) is shown as the head of a studio at Moscow Institute of Architecture and an architect of the House of New Everyday Life (Moscow, 1965-1971). Alongside Natan Osterman (head of the design team), I. Kanaeva, G. Konstantinovsky, and G. Karlsen, Petushkova was indeed an architect of this celebrated experimental building. 

A 1968 article in Arkhitektura SSSR mentions Petrushkova as one of the prominent female architects who contributed to the design of residential and public buildings (Shishkina, 1968).

It is also known that in the late 1950s, Petushkova participated in the design of milestone Cheremushki microdistrict–the first, experimental and model microdistrict in the country–another project headed by Osterman. The standardized building type developed by Petushkova, the house from ceramsite-concrete panels II-05, proved to offer the optimal solution and was replicated throughout Cheremushki (Erofeev 2016).

Fig. 1: Still from the film Love of Mankind. Actress Tamara Makarova as Alexandra Petrushkova
Fig. 2: Typified residential building II-05. Architect Alexandra Petushkova. Buildings of this type were constructed in Moscow and Moscow region in 1954-1959
Fig. 3: The House of New Everyday Life. Architects Natan Osterman, Alexandra Petushkova, I. Kanaeva, G. Konstantinovsky, and G. Karlsen. Moscow, 1965-1971
Fig. 4: Still from the film Love of Mankind. Alexandra Petrushkova (Tamara Makarova) shows Dmitry (Anatoly Solonitsyn) a model apartment at the House of the New Everyday Life in Moscow (designed by Natan Osterman, Alexandra Petushkova, and others)


The Love of Mankind, part 1:

Iraida Shishkina, “Zhenshchiny-arkhtektory,” Arkhitektura SSSR, No.3, 1968: 2.

Nikolay Erofeev, “Printsip ekonomii byl opredelyayushchim,” Colta, 14.01.2016:

Illustration credits

Main image: The Love of Mankind, part 1: (last accessed on 02.05.2022) [The image shows the actress Tamara Makarova as Alexandra Petrushkova]

Fig. 1: The Love of Mankind, part 1: (last accessed on 02.05.2022)

Fig. 2: (last accessed on 02.05.2022)

Fig. 3: (last accessed on 02.05.2022)

Fig. 4: The Love of Mankind, part 1: (last accessed on 02.05.2022)

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