General Readings on Women in Architecture (Selection)

Adams, Annmarie, and Peta Tancred, Designing Women. Gender and the Architectural Profession (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000).

Berkeley, Ellen Perry, and Matilda McQuaid, eds., Architecture. A Place for Women (Washington, DC: Smithsonian, 1989).

Brown, Lori A., Contested Spaces. Abortion Clinics, Women’s Shelters and Hospitals (London: Routledge, 2013).

Brown, Lori A., Feminist Practices. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Women in Architecture (London: Routledge, 2011).

Cole, Doris, From Tipi to Skyscraper. A History of Women in Architecture (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1978).

Danze, Elzabeth, and Debra Coleman, Architecture and Feminism (Princeton, NJ: Princeton Architectural Press, 1997).

Dümpelmann, Sonja, and John Beardsley, eds., Women, Modernity, and Landscape Architecture, (London: Routledge, 2015).

Feminist Art and Architecture Collaborative, “Counterplanning from the Classroom,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 76 (2017), 3: 277–280.

Fitz, Angelika, and Elke Krasky, Critical Care: Architecture and Urbanism for a Broken Planet (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2019).

Frey, Katia, and Eliana Perotti, eds., Theoretikerinnen des Städtebaus. Texte und Projekte für die Stadt (Berlin: Reimer,2015).

Frey, Katia, and Eliana Perotti, eds., Frauen Blicken Auf Die Stadt Architektinnen Planerinnen Reformerinnen (Berlin: Reimer 2019).

Frichot, Hélène, Catherina Gabrielsson, and Helen Runting, eds., Architecture and Feminisms. Ecologies, Economies, Technologies, (London/New York 2018).


Hayden, Dolores, Redesigning the American Dream. Gender, Housing, and Family Life (New York: Norton, 1984).


Krasny, Elke et al., Radicalizing Care: Feminist and Queer Activism in Curating (London: Sternberg Press, 2022). Full text:

Lange, Torsten, und Lucia C. Perez-Moreno, eds., „Architectural Historiography and Fourth Wave Feminism,“  Architectural Histories, Vol. 8, Issue 1, 2020. Full text:

Pepchinski, Mary, and Christina Budde et al., eds., Women Architects and Politics Intersections between Gender Power Structures and Architecture in the Long 20th Century (Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2022). Full text:

Rendell, Jane, ed., Gender, Space, Architecture. An Interdisciplinary Introduction (London: Routledge, 2000).

Stratigakos, Despina, Where Are the Women Architects? (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2016).


Women under Socialism and in Socialist Architecture (General Readings)

Budde, Christina, Frau Architekt: Two Reasons and a Resume,” Women Architects and Politics, 215-230.

Curta, Florin, and Iurie Stamati, Women Archaeologists under Communism, 1917-1989 (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021).

Fulbrook, Mary, Ein ganz normales Leben: Alltag und Gesellschaft in der DDR (Darmstadt: WBG/Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2011 [2nd edition]).

Ghodsee, Kristen, Second World, Second Sex. Socialist Women’s Activism and Global Solidarity during the Cold War (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2019).

Gruber, Helmut, and Pamela Graves, eds., Women and Socialism. Socialism and Women. Europe Between the World Wars (New York: Berghahn Books, 1998).

Pepchinski, Mary and Mariann Simon, eds., Ideological Equals: Women Architects in Socialist Europe 1945-1989 (London: Routledge, 2017).


Pepchinski, Mary, Christina Budde et al., eds., Frau Architekt Seit Mehr Als 100 Jahren: Frauen Im Architektenberuf (Tübingen: Wasmuth, 2017).

Pepchinski, Mary, and Christina Budde et al., eds., Women Architects and Politics Intersections between Gender Power Structures and Architecture in the Long 20th Century (Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2022). Full text:

Seražin, Helena, Emilia  Garda, and Caterina Franchini, eds., Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception. Ljubljana: MoMoWo, 2018.

Readings with a Regional Focus


Stiller, Adolph, and Aneta Bulant-Kamenova, eds., Stefka Georgieva. Architektin der 1960er Jahre in Bulgarien (Salzburg: Muery Salzmann, 2019).


Barlow, Tani E., The Question of Women in Chinese Feminism (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2004).


Hochhäusl, Sophie, «“Dear Comrade,” or Exile in a Communist World: Resistance, Feminism, and Urbanism in Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky’s Work in China (1934/1956)», ABE Journal, 16 | 2019, 18.09.2019, URL:; DOI:


Honig, Emily, and Gail Hershatter, Personal Voices. Chinese Women in the 1980’s (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988).



Heidrich, Christine, ed., Frauen erneuern Havanna. Architektinnen, Ingenieurinnen und ihre Bauwerke in der Altstadt (KEHRER Verlag, 2020).

Central Europe

Doudova, Helena: Shared Cities Atlas: Post-Socialist Cities and Active Citizenship in Central Europe  (Rotterdam: ‎NAI010 PUBL, 2020)


Huber-Doudová, Helena, ed., Modern Woman – Architect. Projection and Reality in Central Europe after 1900 / Moderní žena – architektka (Prague: Vysoká školá, 2021).


Hammer Moravčiková, Henrieta, “Emancipated but Still Accompanied: The First Generation of Women Architects in Slovakia,” Ideological Equals, 48-62.

Brůhová, Klára, “Věra Machoninová: First Lady of the Czechoslovak Brutalist Architecture,” Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception, 410-419.

East Germany

Aleksander, Karin, Frauen und Geschlechterverhältnisse in der DDR und in den neuen Bundesländern. Eine Bibliographie, Berlin 2005. 

Bloch, Karola, Aus meinem Leben (Mössingen: Talheim, 1995).

Bloch, Karola, Die Sehnsucht des Menschen, ein wirklicher Mensch zu werden. Reden und Schriften (Mössingen: Talheim, 1989).

Brünenberg, S., Engler, H., et als., eds., Das Kollektiv: Formen und Vorstellungen gemeinschaftlicher
Architekturproduktion in der DDR
(Berlin: Urbanophil, 2022).

Diemer, Susanne, Patriarchalismus in der DDR. strukturelle, kulturelle und subjektive Dimensionen der Geschlechterpolarisierung (Opladen: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 1994).

Droste, Christiane, and Sandra Huning, „Frau Architektin und Frau Architekt. Rahmenbedingungen für die Werdegänge von Architektinnen in BRD und DDR | Ms. Woman Architect and Ms. Architect. Social Frameworks for the Careers of Women Architects in West and East Germany, Frau Architekt Seit Mehr Als 100 Jahren, 59-68.

Dullin-Grund, Iris, Geschichte einer Architektin: Visionen un Wirklichkeit (Mein Buch, 2004).

Engler Harald, “Between State Socialist Emancipation and Professional Desire : Women Architects in the German Democratic Republic 1949-1990,” in Ideological Equals, 7-19.

Kirschey-Feix, Ingrid, ed., Briefwechsel: Brigitte Reimann – Hermann Henselmann (Neues Leben, Berlin, 1994).


Henselmann, Irene, Meine grosse Familie (Berlin: Neues Leben, 1995).

Lenz, Claudia, „Karola Bloch und das Kinderwochenheim „Zukunft der Nation“ | Karola Bloch and the “Future of the Nation”, a Weekly Childcare Facility,“ Frau Architekt Seit Mehr Als 100 Jahren, 153-158.

Lohmann, Petra, “Stadtarchitektin im Sozialismus: Iris Dullin-Grund | City Architect During Socialism: Iris Dullin-Grund,” Frau Architekt Seit Mehr Als 100 Jahren, 197-201.

Lohmann, Petra, “The Architect Iris Dullin-Grund in the Films of Divided Germany,” Ideological Equals, 172-185.

Motylińskam, Monika, and Phuong Phan, «“Not the usual way?” On the involvement of an East German couple with the planning of the Ethiopian capital», ABE Journal, 16 | 2019, 18.09.2019. URL:; DOI:

Pepchinski, Mary, “Gender and Return Migration: Karola Bloch and the Development of Standard Childcare Typologies in the German Democratic Republic 1949-1961,” Ideological Equals, 107-122.

Pepchinski, Mary, „Wollen und Wirklichkeit: Ein Jahrhundert Architektinnen in Deutschland | Desire and Reality: A Century of Women Architects in Germany,“ Frau Architekt Seit Mehr Als 100 Jahren, 25-37.

Reimann, Brigitte: Franziska Linkerhand (novel, multiple editions, first published posthumously 1974). 


Scheffler, Tanja, „Himmelskuppeln aus Jena: Die Architektin Gertrud Schille | Celestial Domes from Jena: The Architect Gertrud Schille,” Frau Architekt Seit Mehr Als 100 Jahren, 227-233.


Scherer, Irene, and Welf Schröter, eds., Karola Bloch – Architektin, Sozialistin, Freundin. Eine Neuentdeckung des Wirkens der Bauhaus-Schülerin Karola Bloch (Mössingen: Talheimer, 2010).

Stern, Katja, and Brigitte Boeck, Das schöne Geschlecht und die Gleichberechtigung in der DDR (Berlin: Red. “Aus erster Hand”, 1972).


Wetterer, Angelika, and Ruth Heidi Stein, eds., Studierende und studierte Frauen. ein ost-west-deutscher Vergleich, Kassel, 1994.


Zachmann, Karin, Mobilisierung der Frauen. Technik, Geschlecht und Kalter Krieg in der DDR (Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2004).


Zervosen, Tobias, Architekten in der DDR. Realität und Selbstverständnis einer Profession (Bielefeld: transcript, 2016).



Haba Péter, “At the Forefront of Socialist Development: Women in Hungarian Industrial Architecture 1945-1970,” Ideological Equals, 34-47.

Simon, Mariann, “Hungarian Women Architects in the Uifa : The Ambiguities of Women’s Professional Internationalism,” Ideological Equals, 157-171.

Simon, Mariann, “’I do not assert myself.’ Women architects in State Socialist Hungary,” Women Architects and Politics, 147-160.



Gawlak, Agata, Piotr Marciniak, and Magda Matuszewska, “Women in Polish Architecture as an Example of Feminisation of the Architectural Profession over the Twentieth Century,” Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception, 67-76.

Marciniak, Piotr, “Spousal Collaboration As a Professional Strategy for Women Architects in the Polish People’s Republic,” Ideological Equals, 63-77.

Nadolny, Adam, “Women Architects in Polish Feature Film of the 1960s,” Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception, 1092-1102.

Toniak, Ewa, „Olbrzymki. kobiety i socrealism,“ in: korporacja ha! Art, 1 (2008). 


Feuerstein, Marcia and Milka Bliznakov, “New Acquisitions: Women Architects in Romania,” IAWA (International Archive of Women in Architecture) Newsletter, Fall 2000, Nr. 12: 2-4. Available online:


Lazăr, Mihaela and Marilena Negulescu, “Romanian Women Architects in Preserving Cultural Heritage” in Seražin, Helena, Emilia Garda, and Caterina Franchini, eds., Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception. Ljubljana: MoMoWo, 2018, 311-320.

Jill Massino, Ambiguous Transitions: Gender, the State, and Everyday Life in Socialist and Postsocialist Romania (Berghahn Books, 2019).

Niculae, Raluca Livia, “Architecture, a career option for women? Romania case,” Review of Applied Socio- Economic Research, Volume 4, Issue 2/ 2012. Available

Petrescu, Ioana-Maria, “Pioneering Women Architects,” in Teodorescu, Nicoleta Doina, ed., Architecture Series, Vol. II, Nr. 4 (Bucharest, Romania: România de Mâine Foundation Publishing House, 2012). Full-text:

Sion, Militza, Henrieta Delavrancea Gibory: arhitectură 1930 – 1940 (Bucharest: Editura Simetria, 2011).

Vais, Dana, “The (in)Famous Anca Petrescu : Authorship and Authority in Romanian Communist Architecture 1977-1989,” Ideological Equals, 139-154.

Zahariade, Ana Maria, “The Drawing Board Au Féminin: Women Architects in Communist Romania.” Ideological Equals, 78-90.

Zahariade, Ana Maria, “Arhitectura la feminin. Femei arhitect în România comunistă, Arhitectura Bucureşti, Nr. 2-3, 2017. Available online: (in Romanian).

Soviet Union (General)

Arkhitektura SSSR, 1968, No. 3 (March), special Issue.

Buckley, Mary, Women and Ideology in the Soviet Union (Ann Arbor, MI:  University of Michigan Press, 1989).

Wood, Elizabeth A., The Baba and the Comrade. Gender and Politics in Revolutionary Russia, (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1997).

Soviet Union: Estonia

Ruudi, Ingrid, “Women Architects of Soviet Estonia : Four Approaches to Design in a Rural Context.” Ideological Equals, 91-104.

Soviet Union: Latvia

Beitane, Alina, and Agate Enina, “Bringing Latvian Architecture through International Age: Women’s Architectural Legacy in Latvia from 1918 to 2018,” Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception, 355-364.

Soviet Union: Moldova

Șlapac, Mariana, “Contribution of Women Architects to the Architectural-urban Development of Chișinău,” DIALOGICA. Cultural Studies and Literature Scientific Journal, Vol. 11(Nr. 2/2022), 47–57 (in Romanian). Available online:

Soviet Union: Russia

Dimitriadi, Leda, „Woman Architects during the First Years after the Russian Revolution: The Educaiton, Early Work, and Scientific Approach of Lydia Komarova,” Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception, 173-181.

Meuser, Philipp, Galina Balaschowa. Architektin des sowjetischen Raumfahrtprogramms (Berlin: DOM, 2014).

Misharina, Anna, „Underground Women: Invisible Female Architects of the Moscow Metro,” Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception, 908-916.

Post, Christiane, „Lyobov Zalesskaya: A Landscape Architect and Professor at the Moscow Architectural Institute,” Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception,164-172.

Post, Christiane, “Milica I. Prochorova und Ljubov’ S. Zalesskaja. Theoretikerinnen des sowjetischen Parks für Kultur und Erholung. Anhang: Texte von Milica Ivanovna Prochorova, Michail Petrovic Korzev, Ljubov Sergeevna Zalesskaja,“ Theoretikerrinnen des Städtebaus: Texte und Projekte für die Stadt, ed. By Katia Frey and Eliana Perotti. Berlin: Reimer, 2015, 187-220.

Rule, Wilma, and Norma C. Noonan, eds., Russian Women in Politics and Society (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996).

Vronskaya, Alla, “Urbanist Landscape: Militsa Prokhorova, Liubov’
Zalesskaia, and the Emergence of Soviet Landscape Architecture,” Women, Modernity, and Landscape Architecture.
Ed. by John Beardsley and Sonja Duempelmann. London: Routledge, 2015, 60-80.

Soviet Union: Ukraine

Mykhalyshyn, Olga, and Svitlana Linda, “The Feminization of Architectural Education and Science: The Example of Ukraine,” Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception, 87-95.

Yugoslavia: General

Potočnik, Tina, “Female Students of Jože Plečnik between Tradition and Modernism,” Ideological Equals, 20-33.

Issaias, Theodossis and Anna Kats, “Gender and the Production of Space in Postwar Yugoslavia,” in Martino Stierli and Vladimir Kulić, eds., Toward a Concrete Utopia: Architecture in Yugoslavia 1948-1980 (New York: Museum of Modern Art, 2018), 96-103. Excerpt availalble online:

Vodopivec, Barbara, “Women in Conservation Profession in Socialist Yugoslavia: Some Comparative Perspectives,” Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception), 280-288.

Yugoslavia: Croatia

Barišić Marenić, Zrinka, Marina Bertina and Neda Mrinjek Kliska, “Contribution to Research of Architecture and Education in Croatia (1918-2018),” in Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception, 33-49.


Zrinka Barišić Marenić, “Contribution to Research of Industrial Archeology in Croatia (1918-2018),” in Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception,321-329.


Yugoslavia: Montenegro

Alihodžić, Rifat. Arhitektura u Crnoj Gori 1965-1990. (Kroz prizmu “Borbine” nagrade) (English version Architecture in Montenegro 1965–1990 (Through the prism of „Borba” award). Podgorica: Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti. 2015. Book available for reading online

Alihodžić, Rifat and Slavica Stamatović Vučković. “Svetlana Kana Radević (1937–2000). Jedina žena dobitnica Savezne »Borbine« nagrade. The Only Female Recipient of the Federal »Borba« Award”. 6-17. Piranesi. Autumn 2019 No. 41 Vol. 27.

Alihodžić, Rifat and Slavica Stamatović Vučković. “Svetlana Kana Radević (1937–2000). Vrhunsko djelo iz perioda jugoslovenskog modernizma. An Exceptional Work from the Yugoslav Modernism Period”. 18-32. Piranesi. Autumn 2019 No. 41 Vol. 27.

de la Torre, Lucía, “The prolific life and career of Svetlana Kana Radević, Montenegro’s first female architect,” The Calvert Journal, May 21, 2021:

Kats, Anna, “Svetlana Kana Radević (1937-2000),” The Architectural Review, 13 March 2020:

Markuš, Andrej. Kana: Svetlana Radević, Podgorica: Arhitektonski forum. 2017.

Stamatović Vučković, Slavica. “Spomenik na Barutani” in Spomenici II svjetskog rata u Crnoj Gori, 17 – 22. Kotor: EXPEDITIO Centar za održivi prostorni razvoj. 2020.

Yugoslavia: Macedonia

Lozanovska, Mirjana, “Performing Equality: The Exceptional Story of Mimoza Nestorova-Tomić in the Post-1963 Earthquake Reconstruction of Skopje,” Ideological Equals, 123-138.


Yugoslavia: Serbia

Ilijevski, Aleksandra, “Building the Networks in Architecture: Serbian Women Architects 1900-1941,” Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception, 483-492.


Jovanović, Jelica, “Designing the Growth: Planners of Belgrade Housing,” Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and


Kulić, Vladimir, “Žene i arhitektura: Imena, brojevi i strategije” [Women and Architecture: Names, Numbers and Strategies], Mapiranje mizoginije u Srbiji: Diskursi i prakse [Mapping Misogyny in Serbia: Discourses and Practices] (vol. 2), ed. by Marina Blagojević (Belgrade: Finegraf, 2005), 250-262.


Zindović, Milena, ed., Women in Architecture | Contemporary architecture in Serbia since 1900 (Belgrade: Centre for Architecture Belgrade, 2014).


“Women Artists on the Balkans,” Art Studies Quarterly special issue, 2002, Nr. 4.



Hochhäusl, Sophie [S.E. Eisterer], “Dear Comrade,” or Exile in a Communist World: Resistance, Feminism, and Urbanism in Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky’s Work in China (1934/1956), ABE/Architecture beyond Europe, Vol. 16, 2019:

Marques Abla, Marcela, “Women Pioneers in the Modern Movement: The Methodology of Elizabeth Denby, Carmen Portinho, Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky and Catherine Bauer,” Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception, 874-883.

Muxí Martínez, Zaida, “Women in Modern Neighborhoods: Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky; Jakoba Mulder, Lotte Stam-Beese; and Carmen Portinho,” Women’s
Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception,

Nierhaus, Irene, „Nicht zuschütten: A personal remembrance of Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky,“ Women Architects and Politics, 21-26.

Puigarnau, Alfons, “Woman Architect Grete Lihotzky,” Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018): Toward a New Perception and Reception,687-696.

Oosterhof, Hanneke, „Lotte Stam-Beese. Engagierte Architektin und Stadtplanerin | Lotte Stam-Beese. A Committed Architect and Urban Planner,“ Frau Architekt Seit Mehr Als 100 Jahren, 179-187.

Scheffler, Tanja, „Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky: Küche, Kinder, Kommunismus | Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky: Children, Kitchen, Communism,“ Frau Architekt Seit Mehr Als 100 Jahren, 123-130.