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The architectural work of Huiyin Lin comprised theoretical and practical achievements. As a member of Dongbei University, her teaching and research focus was on ancient Chinese architecture. Besides her theoretical work, she completed in collaboration with her husband Liang Sicheng several architectural projects.

Before becoming the Vice Mayor of Wuhan in 1983, Huanfen He worked as an architect on the construction of public buildings. During her time in office, as Vice Mayor of Wuhan, she was especially involved in the development and promotion of urban projects, due to her background in architecture and urban planning.  


Hui Huang

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The architectural work of Huiyin Lin comprised theoretical and practical achievements. As a member of Dongbei University, her teaching and research focus was on ancient Chinese architecture. Besides her theoretical work, she completed in collaboration with her husband Liang Sicheng several architectural projects.

Together with her husband Wang Shu, Wenyu Li founded Amateur Architecture Studio. Their award winning projects bring local craftsmanship and materials into harmony with contemporary design.


Xiaowei Luo was a lecturer, associate professor and full-time professor at Tongji University in the Department of Architecture. Her research and teaching focus was on foreign architecture, especially on the modern western architecture.


Weiyu Wang

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Lusheng Wu was teaching many years at Tongji University and completed several architectural projects with her husband and faculty members of the university. 

Jinqiu Zhang used the architectural characteristics of the traditional Tang-Dynasty-style as reference for her own designs. Her projects significantly shaped the city of Xi’an.