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Josefina Rebellón was trained as an architect and worked as such since 1961. While mainly known for designing school buildings she also became Chief of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Ministry of Construction.

De la Vega works as an architect and is teaching about architecture since 1971. Focal points of her work are housing projects in Havana as well as projects related to the architectural heritage of Cuba.

Graciela González worked as an architect and as an urban planner during the last decades. Also, she became a professor at the CUJAE in Havana. Her work focusses on standardization and typification of housing projects.

Hernández was trained as an architect in Cuba. She works in different fields of architecture in Cuba as well as abroad. She’s probably best known for designing the Ernesto Guevara Memorial.


Graziella Pogolotti

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Josefina Rebellón was trained as an architect and worked as such since 1961. While mainly known for designing school buildings she also became Chief of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Ministry of Construction.


Isabel Rigol

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Gina Rey was trained as an architect in Cuba, graduating 1970. She works as an architect since then as well as an urbanist in Cuba. Also, she became a full professor at the CUJAE in Havana.

Ángela Rojas works mainly as a researcher. She’s a member of ICOMOS and other architectural heritage related organisations and works as a professor at Polytechnic José Antonio Echavarría CUJAE, Havana.

Matilde Ponce Copado worked as an architect in Cuba and immigrated later to the USA. In Cuba she created with her colleague Alberto Robaina new rural elementary schools by developing a type of building that was easily expandable due to its geometric form.