Eva-Maria Hetzer



Benjamin Eckel, last edited on 29.07.2022


Eva-Maria Hetzer

Life Dates:

1933 – 2010

Field of expertise:

Architectural design


VEB Hochbauprojektierung Schwerin

Short Biography and Work

Eva-Maria Hetzer was born in 1933. She worked at VEB Hochbauprojektierung Schwerin.

Her projects include the mourning hall in Schwerin, which she designed with the landscape architect Gerhard Apelt and which was completed in 1970, and the cinema in Güstrow (together with her collective). Eva-Maria Hetzer remained active as an architect after the reunification of Germany. She also designed the Hotel Stadt Schwerin.

Hetzer died in 2010.


Landesamt für Kultur und Denkmalpflege Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Ed.): Alles Platte? Architektur im Norden der DDR als kulturelles Erbe, Berlin 2018.

https://www.kirche-mv.de/nachrichten/2019/oktober/die-kirchenretter (last accessed on 29.07.2022)

https://schwerin.live/magazin/hausgeschichten/die-feierhalle-mit-hanglage (last accessed on 29.07.2022)

Illustration credits

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