Halina Vinahradava


Alla Vronskaya, last edited on 03.05.2022


Halina Vinahradava / Bel: Галіна Рахманаўна Вінаградава

Life Dates:

b. 1946


Field of expertise:

Architectural design


Tadjik Polytechnic Institute (1969)

Short Biography and Work

Born in Chkalovsk (Buston), Tadjikistan, Vinagradava (nee name unknown) graduated from Tadjik Polytechnic Institute in 1969. Upon graduation, she moved to Belarus to work in Beldzyarzhpraekt. In 1977, she became a group leader at the Minsk branch of Soyuzvodokanalproekt, an all-Soviet institute responsible for water infrastructure. She continued working as architect and consultant on water and other infrastructure in independent Belarus until retiring in 2014.

In the 1970s, she participated in the design of typified residential buildings for rural regions of Belarus, including residential building for rural areas series 3-APB and residential building from volumetric blocs series 3A-APB. In 1969-1974, Vinahradova also worked on the design of the building of Minsk Institute of the Development of Education. In 1976, she became one of the designers of an experimental “gallery-type” residential building with 279 apartments on Belsky street in Minsk. Vinahradova also participated in the reconstruction of a children summer camp in Astrashitsky Garadok in 1976-1977.

Fig. 1: Residential buildings of series 3A-APB in Minsk. Architects Halina Vinahradova and others, 1970s
Fig. 5: Children summer camp in Astrashitsky Garadok, Minsk region, 1976-1977
Fig. 2: Halina Vinahradova with others, Minsk Institute of the Development of Education, 1969-1974
Figs. 3-4: Experimental residential building Belsky street 17, Minsk. Architects Halina Vinahradova and others, 1976
Figs. 3-4: Experimental residential building Belsky street 17, Minsk. Architects Halina Vinahradova and others, 1976