Iryna Ioda

Urban planner, pedagogue

Alla Vronskaya


Iryna Ioda / Bel: Ірына Антонаўна Іода / Rus: Ирина Антоновна Иодо

Life Dates:

1932 – 2021


USSR / Belarus, Poland




Białystok Polytechnic Institute, Poland

Belorusian Polytechnic Institute

Field of expertise:

Urban planning


Minsk College of Architecture and Construction (1952)

Belorusian Polytechnic Institute (1959)


State Prize of Belarus (2000)

Short Biography and Work

Ioda was born in 1932. She graduated from Minsk College of Architecture and Construction in 1952, and from Belarus Polytechnic Institute in 1959, with one of the first cohorts of its architecture graduates.

Upon graduation, Ioda worked as an urban planner in Minskproekt (1959-1962) and as a researcher at the Institute of Construction and Architecture of the Academy of Sciences of Belaruisan Soviet Socialist Republic (1962-1964). As a planner, she participated in the development of the general plan of Minsk (1963); of masterplans for microdistricts and urban centers in Minsk, and led the planning of districts in other cities of Belarus, including Zhlobin, Slutsk, and Brest. She supervised the developing of “The Scheme of Location and Development of Urban and Rural Settlements of the BSSR until 2000” (1981). 

In 1987, in Leningrad Ioda defended her secondary doctorate, titled “Urban Formation of Large Territorial Systems (in the conditions of Belarusian SSR,” which later formed the core of the regulatory document “General Scheme of Complex Territorial Organization of the BSSR” (1989). Iodo authored and co-authored twelve books and numerous articles on urban planning and its theory, urban planning pedagogy, and territorial planning.

Between 1984 and 2003, Ioda was a faculty member at the Department of Architecture of Białystok Polytechnic Institute in Poland. Between 1988 and 2012, she was a professor of urban planning at Belarusian Polytechnic Institute.

Excerpts from the Interview with Igor Morozov

Published in Akhitektura i stroitel’stvo, No. 5 (204), 2009. Available online:


I started my professional career not even as a designer, but as a builder-producer. After graduating from the Minsk Architectural and Construction Technical College, I wanted to be independent, so I chose Gomel as the place to work. There it turned out that the only place where I could find a job as a Raikommunhoz engineer was in the town of Korma. As it seemed to me then, on the edge of the world – 100 km from Gomel, no roads, in the winter the mail was thrown down from the plane. The first two-storey brick building was under construction there, the public bath was being repaired and the rest was trivial. And I turned out to be the only certified specialist. It was a big responsibility, and all sorts of things happened. I am still grateful to the engineer from Gomel who came to check on the progress of the work and quietly, so as not to undermine my authority and not to offend me, he asked me to release the ends of the wooden beams that I had overdone and completely wrapped in roofing paper. I forgot that they should “breathe” so they wouldn’t rot. But when it was necessary to install the formwork, bend and tie reinforcement for reinforced concrete slab of the bath and no one knew how to do it, I fully rehabilitated myself. I so diligently imparted my knowledge to the workers that, as I was going backwards, I fell off the bathhouse. It was good that I landed on a pile of sawdust, but I still have a scar on my arm from the cut with a metal rod, which I tried to hold on to.

…A year later I decided to enroll in the architectural department of Belarusian Polytechnic Institute, which had just opened in Minsk.

In 1959 I graduated from the Institute with honors and a three-year-old son. Subsequent years of design (mainly in Minskproekt) contributed to strengthening the foundation of architectural thinking. Independence did not arise at once. After all, as a rule, first, a young professional must go through the stage of a ” follower”, then a full-fledged “partner”, and only then, if you are lucky and trusted, you can become a “leader”. Much depends on the leaders, on the object, on the social climate in the collective of designers. This process is most difficult to develop in the field of urban design. I was lucky: I worked under the leadership and next to N. Trakhtenberg, V. Sakhno, I. Lublinsky, A. Gul, Y. Gradov, J. Linevich. We worked on such objects as the General Plan of Minsk, planning of Minsk districts on Kharkiv street, Opansky street, Zolotaya Gorka (at that time, the Bondarevskaya-Vysokaya district), V. Khoruzhey, the development of the centers in Zhlobin, Slutsk and other smaller objects.

I recall the agony of searching for any kind of individuality in the construction of the standard brick-sections. These orphaned houses stand in strict rows to this day as a reproach to industrial inertia. Only in the present with students do I play on the shape of buildings, on color, on the differences in heights.

After graduating from the doctoral program in 1968, where A.P. Voinov had persuaded me to study, I was involved in both teaching and design.

Nine years of work in the Belarusian Research Institute of Urban Planning (until 1990), participation in a unique work for that time – the General Scheme of Complex Territorial Organization (GSCTO) of the BSSR (1985-1988), guidance and participation in the implementation of international and Union large scientific and practical works – all this allowed me to finally “find myself”. Plus participation in international and republican design competitions and awards at them (in the student years – the microdistrict on Tolbukhin Boulevard, later – October Square and Lenin Square in Minsk, the district “Lebyazhiy”, zarechny district in Brest and others).

What are the positive feelings left over from that time?

The feeling of joy of in-demand creative search, of discovering the unknown, the feeling of satisfaction with the cohesion and support of my colleagues in the department I was in charge of. This is where I felt fully “in charge. And all this thanks to working in a brilliant, speaking in the theme of the issue, ensemble of brilliantly thinking designers and scientists (G. Kozlov, V. Kharevsky, Y. Tyapkin, S. Brandin, A. Rogovin, G. Potaev).

What is your favorite creative outlet?

Teaching is my, one might say, shared love. After a lecture you feel like a balloon flying up to the clouds because you were able to show others something new, which you have learned, which you yourself have thought of and rethought. True, this euphoria cools down during exams. Most of all I enjoy working with doctoral students, master students, and diploma students.

Such an energetic Master must have had some kind of a cherished goal?

I think that everything went naturally. I seemed to float on the bright river of destiny, doing what I was passionate about. But I must admit that when I was climbing up the ladder (higher education, doctorate, lecturer, secondary doctorate, professorship, the State Prize, foreign membership of the Russian Academy of Architecture, etc.), in my heart I always turned to my father: “You see, I could also do this.” My father died when I was in my second year at the institute. He strictly bequeathed: to graduate from the institute (nobody in his family had higher education), and to do this, do not marry early and do not cut your braids. And all my life I lived up to his hopes with delay, because in my third year I got married and got a short haircut.

Fig. 1: Minskproekt institute. Masterplan for the public center of a new microdistrict in Minsk (currently Mulyavin boulevard). 1960s. Left: existing structures; right: architectural proposal: 1–schools; 2–daycare centers; 3–public service buildings
Fig. 2: General Scheme of Complex Territorial Organization (GSCTO) of the BSSR. Iryna Ioda and others, 1985-1988
Fig. 3: Microdistrict on Kharkovskaya street, Minsk. Minskpraekt. Architects V. Varskoy, M. Myznikov, I. Ioda

Bibliography and Sources

I. A. Iodo, Osnovy gradostroitel’stva (teoriya, metodologiya) [Foundations of Urban Planning (Theory and Methodology)]. Minsk: Vyshyeyshaya shkola, 1983.

I. A. Iodo, I. I. Senkevich, K. K. Khachatryants. Opyt rabody i novye napravleniya v rayonnoy planirovke Belorusskoy SSR [Work Experience and New Trends in Regional Planning of Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic]. Minsk: BelNIINTI, 1976.

V. I. Anikin, E. L. Zaslavsky, I. A. Iodo et al., Gradostroitel’stvo Belorussii [Urban Design in Belarus]. Minsk: Vyshyeyshaya shkola, 1988.

G. A. Potaev, I. A. Iodo, K. K. Khachatryants, A. I. Nichkasov, Gradostroitel’stvo i territorial’naya planirovka: ponyatiyno-terminologicheskiy slovar [Urban Design and Territorial Planning: Dictionary of Notions and Terms]. Minsk: 1999.

I. A. Iodo, G. A. Potaev, Gradostroitel’stvo i territorial’naya planirovka [Urban Design and Territorial Planning]. Rostov-on-Don: Feniks, 2008.

I. A. Iodo, Yu. Protasova, Teoreticheskie osnovy arkhitektury [Theoretical Foundations of Architecture], Minsk: Vyshyeyshaya shkola, 2015.

Irina Antonovna Iodo: “Ia kak by plyla po svetloy reke sud’by” [I seemed on float on the bright river of destiny] [Interview to Igor Morozov]. Akhitektura i stroitel’stvo, No. 5 (204), 2009. Available online:

Belarusskiy soyuz arkhitktorov [Belarusian Union of Architects], Irina Ioda’s Obituary (26.01.2021). Availalbe online:

Illustration credits

Main image: (last accessed on 28.04.2022)

Fig. 1: (last accessed on 28.04.2022)

Fig. 2: Image in public domain. Image source: (last accessed on 28.04.2022)

Fig. 3: Image in public domain. Image source: (last accessed on 28.04.2022)

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