Karola Bloch. Architektin, Feministin und Sozialistin

Dorothea Blank, 2021

Karola Bloch. Architect, Feminist and Socialist (in German)

This essay, written by Dorothea Blank, discusses the work, the political stance and the feminist beliefs of the architect Karola Bloch. It gives an insight into her architectural projects in the GDR and her views as an emancipated woman and “marginal feminist”, as she described herself.

The essay collects visual material, quotations, references and thus creates an overview about the work and life of Karola Bloch. During her time in the GDR, Karola Bloch had a significant influence on the planning of children’s facilities. She established standards and drafted type plans that became binding for the construction of these facilities. Based on these guidelines and criteria, Karola Bloch drew up schematic plans for crèches, kindergartens, weekly homes and weekly nurseries.


This essay is a term paper submitted at the seminar “Architecture and Feminism”(instructors Sarah Wheat and Alla Vronskaya, Kassel University, summer 2021)

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