Ljubinka Malenkova / Љубинка Маленкова


Ljudmila Đukić


Ljubinka Malenkova / Љубинка Маленкова

Life Dates:

1927 – 2011


Communal Affairs Direction at the Ministry of Construction, Proektant, Pelagonija

Field of expertise:

Architectural design and urban planning


Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade (1951)


Order of Labour with Golden Wreath (1980),

The Union Architects in Macedonia Diploma (1985 and 1987),

Andreja Damjanov Prize – The Association of Architects of Macedonia (2000)

Short Biography and Work

Ljubinka Malenkova was born in Ohrid in 1927. She completed her architectural studies at the University of Belgrade and graduated in 1951 from the class of Professor Bogdan Nestorović. After completing her university studies, Malenkova employed in the communal affairs direction at the Ministry of Construction, and soon after, in 1952, she joined a bureau for architectural design “Proektant”. Due to its dissolution in 1961, she transferred to the town company “Pelagonija”, where she finished her professional career in 1987.

In addition to architectural design, Malenkova combined her main interest with work in education. From 1956 to 1964 she was a part-time adjunct professor at the Faculty of Architecture in Skopje, teaching residential building architecture. For many years, Malenkova has been a member of the Urban Planning Committee of the City of Skopje and the Urban and Spatial Planning Committee of the Republic.

As part of her professional development in residential construction systems, she visited France in 1957 and the Soviet Union in 1964.

During her career, Malenkova designed many individual and community residential buildings, as well as different types of commercial buildings. She is the author of designs for the Prilep, Tetovo, Kumanovo, Strumica and Kočani post office buildings. Malenkova also designed hotels in Kočani, Kavadarci and Štip in Macedonia and the hotel “Albatros” in Ulcinj (Montenegro), among others. As an urban planner, she made master plans for the towns of Kočani and Resen.

Malenkova collaborated with many architects of her time. She is co-author with Vera Kjosevska of the Theatre of Nationality (today the Albanian Theatre) in Skopje, the Pedagogical Academy in Štip, and the commercial complex “Moscow” in Skopje.

For her contribution to Macedonian society and architecture, Malenkova was awarded the Order of Labor with Golden Wreath in 1980. The Union Architects in Macedonia rewarded her with a diploma twice: in 1985 for the design of the residential-commercial building “Porta Bunjakovec” in Skopje and 1987 for the department store “Negotino”. In 2000, she received the “Andreja Damjanov” lifetime achievement award from the Association of Architects of Macedonia.


Sanja Ragjenovikj-Jovanovikj “25 dobitnici na nagradata Andreja Damjanov” in Presing 25, 57-60.

Aleksandar Kočiški. “Novata zgrada na Teatarot na narodnostite vo Skopje”. Kulturen život 1/75. January 14, 1975.

Janko Konstantinov “Arhitekt Ljubinka Malenkova (1927)” in Arhitektura na počvata na Makedonija: od sredinata na XIX do krajot na XX vek: prilozi za istražuvanjeto na istorijata na kulturata na počvata na Makedonija. Kniga 14. Makedonskata akademija na naukite i umetnostite: Skopje. 2006. 159-166.

Toni Dimkov, “Architectural exhibition: Women’s contribution to the reconstruction of Skopje, “Sloboden pečat”, December 25-26, 2021 https://www.slobodenpecat.mk/en/arhitektonska-izlozhba-zhenski-pridones-vo-obnovata-na-skopje/

Macedonian Women Architects


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