Lydia Kutna


Alla Vronskaya


Lydia Kutna (Кутна Лідія Василівна)

Life Dates:

born 1944




Field of expertise:

Architectural design


Lviv Polytechnic Institute (1966) 


Prize of the Council of Ministers of Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, 1988

State Prize of Ukraine in Architecture, 1999

Polish prize Kryształowa Cegła “Dom-2003”

Short Biography and Work

Kutna was born in Lviv, where she graduated from Lviv Polytechnic Institute in 1966, proceeding to work at Oblproekt institute, where she eventually became a chief architect of projects. Among the projects that she designed are urban master plans (1980-1993) and the shopping mall building in Lviv’s Sikhiv district (1987). 

She received the prize of the Council of Ministers of Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1988, the State Prize of Ukraine in Architecture in 1999 for the architecture of Krakovets customs center on Ukrainian/Polish border, the Polish prize Kryształowa Cegła “Dom-2003.”

Fig. 1: Zoloto Karpat hotel, Stryi, 2000
Fig. 2: Krakovets customs center on Ukrainian/Polish border (with Orest Ogonovsky, Olexandr Bazyuk, I. Belyakova, Olexandra Dribnyuk, Ivan Oliynyk, Valery Kulikovsky), 1999
Fig. 3: Sikhiv district, Lviv, 1980s photo


Koshlo, M. P. Kutna Lidiia Vasilivna, Entsyklopediia suchasnoi Ukrainy. Kyiv: Poligrafkniga, 2014, Vol. 15. Available online:

Lidiia Kutna, “V arkhitekturi vazhlyvo pravylno funktsionalno sproektyvaty budynok,” Eko-Dim, 2010, No.1: 4.

“Mistoproekt,” Arkhitekturnyi visnik, 2001, No.3-4 (13): 28-29.

Arkhitektrura Lviva: Chas i styli. XIII-XXI st. Lviv: Tsentr Evropy, 2008, 627.

“U tvorchikh maisterniakh arkhitektoriv,” Arkhitekturnyi visnik, 2000, No.3 (11): 25.


Illustration credits

Main image: ЕНЦИКЛОПЕДІЯ СУЧАСНОЇ УКРАЇНИ (ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN UKRAINE), Кутна Лідія Василівна, М. П. Кошло, (last accessed on 17.08.2022)

Fig. 1: (last accessed on 24.03.2022)

Fig. 2: (last accessed on 24.03.2022)

Fig. 3: Image in public domain. Image source: (last accessed on 21.04.2022)

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