Marta Doehler-Behzadi

Architect, urban planner


Benjamin Eckel, last edited on 21.07.2022


Marta Doehler-Behzadi

Life Dates:

b. 1957

Field of expertise:

Architectural design, urban planning


Büro des Stadtarchitekten Leipzig

Bauakademie der DDR Berlin


HAB Weimar

Short Biography and Work

Marta Doehler-Behzadi was born in Berlin in 1957 and studied at the HAB Weimar from 1975 to 1980. Her research studies were followed by a doctorate in 1986. From 1984 to 1990 she worked in the office of the chief architect of the city of Leipzig. In 1989, she also worked briefly at the Bauakademie der DDR in Berlin.

After the fall of the Berlin Wall, she continued to work as an architect and urban planner. In doing so, she often dealt with building projects from the GDR era, on which she also wrote numerous publications, especially after 1990.

She lives in Leipzig and Weimar.

Bibliography (selection)

Doehler-Behzadi, Marta: Stadtentwicklung Leipzig (ed. with Harald Kunz), Leipzig 1998.

Doehler-Behzadi, Marta: Zukunft der Städte und Stadtquartiere Ostdeutschlands (in cooperation with Wolfgang Kil und Michael Bräuer), in: Politik und Zeitgeschichte B 28/2003.

Doehler-Behzadi, Marta: Plus Minus Leipzig 2030. Stadt in Transformation/Transforming the city (ed. with Engelbert Lütke Daldrup), Wuppertal 2004.

Doehler-Behzadi, Mara: Schrumpfende Städte und Regionen im Osten Deutschlands – Testfall für den Westen? Hannover 2005


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