Milica Šterić


Renata Detka


Milica Šterić

Life Dates:

1914 – 1998 


Architect in several positions

1947 – 1985 „Energoprojekt“

Field of expertise:

Architectural design


Architecture in Belgrade in 1937


Seventh-July Prize Award for Architecture (1961)
Grand prix d’architecture (1984)


Academy of Architecture of Serbia since 1995

Short Biography

Milica Šterić was born 1914 in Smederevo. She received her architecture degree 1937 in Belgrad. Due to the Second World War she faced obstacles to find a job and was first hired in 1947 by a construction company „Energoprojekt“. She enjoyed traveling and vistited several countries in Europe, Afrika, Amerika and the Near East where she gathered working experience and knowledge. In 1957, Šterić spent some time in the Netherlands, working for the architectural firm „Van den Broek and Bakeme“. In the Netherlands she became familiar with the Bauhaus style, which from then on influnced her work in Serbia (Yugoslawia).

Milica Šterić worked for the „Energoprojekt“ until she retired in 1985. During her time there, she held serveral positions like manager of the Architectural and Construction Department (upravnik Arhitektonsko-konstruktivnog odeljenja), director of the Directorate for Urban Planning and Architecture (Direkcije za urbanizam i arhitekturu), assistant to the general director (pomoćnik generalnog direktora), member of the board of directors (upravni odbor) and special advisor (specijalni savetnik) of the newly created “holding corporations”. Milica Šterić died on 06. 01. 1998 in Belgrade.


One of Šterić well-known projects is the commercial building on Carice Milice street 2 in Belgrade. The design reveals the infuence of the Bauhaus-style, which she experinenced during her visits to Europe. In 1960, Milica Šterić deisgned the headquarter of the „Energoprojekt“ company. This building was the first structure in Belgrade with free standing pillars and a transparent glass facade. The building later became the „Beobank“ building. With this project she won the „Sedmojulska Nagrada za Arhitekturu“ (the Seventh-July Prize Award for Architecture) in 1961. Šterić also won the “Velika Nagrada Arhitekture SAS-a” (the “Grand prix d’architecture”) from the “Union of Architects of Serbia” in 1984. Furthermore she was a founding member of the “Academy of Architecture of Serbia” which was established in 1995.