Architect, planner, singer
Alla Vronskaya, last edited on 02.05.2022
Oktyabrina Lebedeva / Rus: Октябрина Гансовна Лебедева
Life Dates:
1923 – 2011
Field of expertise:
Architectural design, urban planning, singing
Moscow Institute of Architecture
Distinguished worker of culture
Irina Arkhipova Foundation prize (2001)
Born in Moscow in 1923, Lebedeva (nee name unknown) graduated from Moscow Institute of Architecture. She spent her entire professional career of 35 years at Mosproekt-1 institute, rising to the position of the head of design teams.
Among Lebedeva’s works are the trajectory of highway and subway line across Nagatino valley (1961-1962, with Bella Etchin), and the building of NIIT Avtoprom (with Pavel Zinovyev and Bella Etchin, 1970s). Between 1966 and 1976, Lebedeva also worked on the reconstruction of the ZIL factory palace of culture (original design by Alexander and Leonid Vesnins, 1930-1937), which included the removal of neoclassical decoration added during the previous reconstruction and a significant modernization of the building.
Lebedeva, who had a musical talent and coloratura soprano voice, was also a lead singer of Reisshinka, the satirical musical ensemble of female architects of Mosproekt. “The first violin of Reisshinka,” as she is called on the ensemble website, Lebedeva participated in it for most of its five-decade-long history, from the 1950s until the 2007. In recognition of her performance achievements, she was named a distinguished worker of culture of Russia. She was also awarded the prize of Irina Arkhipova foundation. Arkhipova, also a graduate of Moscow Institute of Architecture, who became famous as a Bolshoi Theater opera singer, was Lebedeva’s institute friend.
Lebedeva was married to architect Georgy Lebedev, with whom she had three children.
“As it began”: architects Rimma Aldonina, Oktyabrina Lebedeva, Igor Pokrovsky, Alexander Heifetz, Volya Kosarzhevsky recall the early days of Koh-i-Noor and Reisshinka (excerpt from the documentary Vot pesnya proletela–i aga! [The Song Flew By and–Aha!], documentary about Koh-i-Noor and Reisshinka, 1987).
Rimma Aldonina, “Kisa. Pamyati Oktyabriny Lebedevoy” [Lebedeva’s obituary], Mosproektovets, No. 5 (2048), 27 May 2011: 3. Available online:
“Pervozdannyi oblik v sovremennom zvuchanii (O rekonstruktsii Dvortsa kul’tury Moskovskogo avtozavoda imeni I. Likhacheva” [“Original Outlook in Contemporary Interpretation (On the Reconstruction of the Palace of Culture of I. Likhachev Moscow Automobile Factory], Stroitel’stvo i arkhitektura Moskvy, 1972, No. 1. Available online:
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