As a landscape architect, Irena Bajerska mostly worked in Warsaw. At the Warsaw University of Technology she also worked as an educator.
Barbara Brukalska worked as an architect, educator and interior designer in Poland. She designed several buildings together with her husband. In 1948 she became a professor at Warsaw University of Technology.
Maria Jadwiga Chodźko-Zachwatowicz was a Polish architect and monument preservation specialist. After the Second World War, she mainly worked on the reconstruction of the old town of Warsaw.
Jadwiga Grabowska-Hawrylak was an architect born in Poland. She was the first Woman who got an university degree as a female architect in Wrocław. She mostly worked in Wrocław as an architect and as an urban planer.
Halina Alexandrovna Gurjanowa was a Soviet-Polish architect and researcher. She worked in Poland as well as in Russia, often together with her husband E.A. Goldzamt.
As an architect, Hansen and her husband created several designs, especially related to the Open Form Theory. Zofia Hansen also exhibited at the National Interior Design Exhibition at the Zachęta Gallery in 1957.
Helena Syrkus was an urban planner, architect and professor at the Warsaw University of Technology, member of the Congrès Internationaux d’Architecture Moderne (CIAM) and co-founder of the Polish avant-garde group Praesens.
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