On Emina Husedžinović and her mother, architect Sabira Husedžinović, and the architectural profession.

Key words: Emina Husedžinović; Sabira Husedžinović


Source: Mail Alla 07.12.22
On Elena Bairamian and her mother, architect Anna Val, architectural profession and education in Baku

Key words: Elena Bairamian; Anna Val


Source:,_%D0%A0%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%BC%D0%B0_%D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B0#/media/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Aldonina-1972.jpg (last accessed on 02.05.2022)
Translated from the Russian by Alla Vronskaya; previously unpublished
On being a female workshop head, standardization, work in Moscow and Congo

Keywords: Rimma Aldonina; Bella Etchin; Elena Podolskaya; MARKhI; Mosproekt; Reisshinka; Moscow; Brazzaville; Russia; Congo Republic
Source: Mail Alla 09.09.22
On Veronika’s mother, architect Ritta Tripolskaya, architectural profession and education in Baku, and being an architect on the nuclear test site of Novaya Zemlya

Key words: Ritta Tripolskaya; Oleg Tripolsky; Veronika Tripolskaya; Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute; Azgospromproekt; AzerDovlatLayiha; Shafiga Zeynalova; Khanum Rakhmanova; Voenproekt; Baku; Novaya Zemlya; Azerbaijan; Russia



On the position of women, architectural profession and education in Cuba

Keywords: Cecilia Valdes; Cuba; Santa Clara; Milvia Maribona; Latin-American Association of Women-Architects; Federation der Mujere Cubane