Architect, professor
Renata Detka
Srebrenka Sena Sekulić-Gvozdenović
Life Dates:
1916 – 2002
Architect in several positions
Lecturer and later Professor at Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb
Academician of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Field of expertise:
Architectural history, historic preservation, architectural design
Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb
Viktor Kovačić prize (1983)
Vladimir Nazor award for life achievement (1997)
Srebrenka Sekulić-Gvozdenović is considered the first lady of Croatian architecture. This title was given to her by the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Sekulić-Gvozdenović graduated in architecture from the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb in 1940. After graduating, she gained practical experience in established architecture offices of Viličić and Kauzlarić. Several years later, Srebrenka Sekulić-Gvozdenović returned to her old university, becoming the first ever female assistant at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb, where she joined the department for architecture history. In 1962 she became the first female lecturer at the department. In 1970, she became an adjunct professor and in 1975 the first regular female professor. In the same year, Sekulić-Gvozdenović defended her doctoral dissertation about church-fortresses in Croatia and became a member of the HAZU, – Hrvatska Akademija Znanosti I Umetnosti (the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts). Later she became vice-dean and, ultimately the first female dean of the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb. Sekulić-Gvozdenović held this position from 1979 to 1982. She retired in 1986 and died 2002 in Zagreb.
Besides publishing around 250 academic writings, Sekulić-Gvozdenović also worked on numerous architectural projects. In collaboration with Juraj Denzler, she worked on rebuilding the old city of Sisak in Croatia (1954-1960); in collaboration with M. Kuzlarić, she designed the archeological museum in Zadar, Croatia (1973), and a museum of Croatian archeological monuments in Split, Croatia (1967 – 1975). She was a recipient of the Viktor Kovačić prize in 1983 and of the Vladimir Nazor prize in 1997 for her life achievement. Furthermore Sekulić-Gvozdenović was a member of the editorial board of the journal Čovjek i prostor – Human and Space–, for eighteen years. The Society of Art Historians of Croatia traditionally holds a memorial week for Sekulić-Gvozdenović every year.
Books from Srebrenka Sena Sekulić-Gvozdenović
Povijest Arhitekture 1 (History of Architecture 1), 1962
Povijest Arhitekture 2 (History of Architecture 2), 1963
Crkve – Tvrđave u Hrvatskoj (Churches – Fortresses in Croatia), 1994
Žena u Arhitekturi: Tragom Žene Kreatora i Žene Teoretičara u Povijesti Arhitekture (Women in Architecture: The tragedy of the Woman Creator and the Woman Theorist in the History of Architecture), 1998.
Sena (Srebrenka) Sekulić Gvozdanović “Prva dama hrvatske arhitekture” (
Srebrenka Sekulić-Gvozdanović – Wikipedia