Tamara Budyanska

Architect, author

Alla Vronskaya


Tamara Budyanska (Будя́нська Тама́ра Миро́нівна)

Life Dates:

Born 1913



Architect at the resort administration Sochi

Architect at Ukrtsivilbudproekt (Ukrainian Civil Construction Design) institute

Field of expertise:

Architecture, historical research


Kyiv Construction Institute

Short Biography and Work

Budyanska graduated from Kyiv Construction Institute in 1936, moving to work at the resort administration in Sochi, Russia, where she designed the club of resort administration. In 1938, Budyanska moved to Kyiv, where she worked in Ukrtsivilbudproekt (Ukrainian Civil Construction Design) institute. With Asya Meisels and others, Budyanska was a member of the all-women “Komsomol brigade,” which was based at the institute. Subsequently, Budyanska dedicated herself to historical research, authoring a book about the Kamyanets-Podilsky Fortress (1961).

Fig. 1: Tamara Budyanska (1st from the left).


Budyanska, T. M., Zamok u Kamyanets-Podilskomu (Pamyatnik arkhitektury XIV-XVIII st.) [Castle in Kamyanets-Podilsky (Architectural Monument of the 14th-18th Centuries)]. Kyiv: Derzhavne visavnitsvo literatury z budivnitsva i arkhitektury URSR, 1961.

_____, “Organizuvaty vydannya teoretichnykh prats z ukrainskoi arkhitektury” [“Organize the publication of theoretical works on Ukrainian architecture”], Arkhitektura Radyanskoi Ukrainy [Architecture of Soviet Ukraine], 1940, No.8: 42-43.

_____, “V. I. Lenin pro mistetstvo i prynsypy khudozhn’oi tvorchosti” [“V. I. Lenin on art and the principles of artistic creativity,” Arkhitektura Radyanskoi Ukrainy [Architecture of Soviet Ukraine], 1941, No. 5: 4-6.

_____, “Pro okhoronu pamyatok arkhitektury Ukriny” [“On the preservation of architectural monuments in Ukraine”], Arkhitektura Radyanskoi Ukrainy [Architecture of Soviet Ukraine], 1945, No.8: 44-48.

______, “Vliianie kolichestva kvartir v sektsii na planirovku i stoimost’ zhilykh domov” [“The effects of the quantity of apartments in a section on the plans and cost of residential buildings”], Voprosy massovogo zhilishchnogo stroitel’stva. Praktika proektirovaniia i stroitel’stva [On Mass Residential Construction. The Practice of Design and Construciton]. Vol. 5. Kyiv: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo literatury po stroitel’stvu i arkhitekture USSR, 1962, 74-81.

Budyanska, T. M, and Lysaya, L. G., “Organizatsiia seti lechebnykh uchrezhdenii v administrativnykh raionakh Ukrainskoi SSR” [“Organization of a network of medical institutions in administrative regions of Ukrainian Socialist Republic], Planirovka, zastroika i blagoustroistvo sel Ukrainskoi SSR [Planning, Construction, and Landscape Design in Villages of Ukrainian Socialist Republic], Issue 1. Kyiv: Budivel’nik, 1973, 84-91.

Bazhenov, L. V., “Budyanska Tamara Mironivna,” in Podillya v pratsyakh doslidnykiv i kraeznavtsiv XIX—XX st.: Istoriografiia. Biobibliografiia. Materialy [Podillya in the works of researchers and local historians of the XIX-XX centuries: Historiography. Biobibliography. Sources]. Kamyanets-Podilsky, 1993, 414.

Manucharova, N. D., “Komsomolki-arkhitektorki Ukrtsivil’proektu” [“Komsomol female architects of Ukrtsivilproekt”], Arkhitektura Radyanskoi Ukrainy [Architecture of Soviet Ukraine], 1940, No. 6: 35-36.                   


Tamara Budyanska, personal profile of the member of the Union of Architects of Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. 1956. V. I. Zabolotnyi State Scientific Library of Architecture and Construction, Kyiv. (Archival source)

https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%91%D1%83%D0%B4%D1%8F%D0%BD%D1%81%D1%8C%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%A2%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B0_%D0%9C%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%96%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B0 (last accessed on 14.03.2022)

Illustration credits

Main image: Brigade of Komsomol Women-Architects of Ukrtsivilbudproekt (T. Budyanska, A. Liberman, A. Maizels, O. Rashkovich). From: Manucharova, N. D., “Komsomolki-arkhitektorki Ukrtsivil’proektu” [“Komsomol female architects of Ukrtsivilproekt”], Arkhitektura Radyanskoi Ukrainy [Architecture of Soviet Ukraine], 1940, No. 6: 36.

Fig. 1: Brigade of Komsomol Women-Architects, Ukrtsivilbudproekt. Project of a residential building with 40 apartments. 1939. From: Manucharova, N. D., “Komsomolki-arkhitektorki Ukrtsivil’proektu” [“Komsomol female architects of Ukrtsivilproekt”], Arkhitektura Radyanskoi Ukrainy [Architecture of Soviet Ukraine], 1940, No. 6: 36.

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