Historian, preservationist
Alla Vronskaya, last edited on 18.07.2022
Tamara Habrus / Bel: Тамара Віктараўна Га́брусь / Rus: Тамара Викторовна Габрусь
Life Dates:
b. 1945
Special Scientific-Restauration Production Workshops of the Ministry of Culture of Belarus
Corresponding member of Belarusian Academy of Architecture
Field of expertise:
Architectural history, historic preservation
Belarusian Polytechnic Institute (1968)
Kondrat Krapiva Institute of Art History, Ethnography and Folklore
Habrus was born in Minsk in 1945. She graduated from Belarusian Polytechnic Institute in architecture in 1968, moving to work as architect at Belprampraekt, where she designed industrial buildings for Minsk, Brest, and Navagrudok (1968-1970).
Between 1969 and 1973, Habrus was enrolled into the doctoral program of Kondrat Krapiva Institute of Art History, Ethnography and Folklore of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. In 1973-1974, she was a senior preservationist at Special Scientific-Restauration Production Workshops of the Ministry of Culture of Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic. At this time, she worked on the conservation of Ruzhany Palace, a late-eighteenth-century palace destroyed during the second world war, and on the restoration of the museum “The Home of Jakub Kolas.”
Between 1974 and 1979, Habrus worked at the publishing house of Belarusian Soviet Encyclopedia as the academic editor for architecture. Having received her doctoral degree in 1979, she become the acting chief editor for culture and art. Since 1980, Habrus worked as a senior researcher at Kondrat Krapiva Institute of Art History, Ethnography and Folklore. Between 1981 and 1995, Habrus headed the section of architecture at Minsk city and regional councils of Belarusian voluntary society for the preservation of monuments of history and culture. In 2003, she received her secondary doctorate and became a leading researcher at the institute. Gabrus’s scholarship focused on the history of sacral architecture in Belarus between the middle ages and the eighteenth century.
Habrus has also published collections of poetry in Belarusian language.
Selected Publications by Tamara Habrus
Tamara Habrus, Draulyanae khrystsiyanskae khramabudaunitstva Belarusi [Wooden Christian church building in Belarus]. Minsk: Belaruskaya navuka, 2020.
________, Sabory pomnyats use: Gotyka i raenesans u sakralnym doylidstve Belarusi [Cathedrals Remember Everything: the Gothic and Renaissance in the Sacral Architecture of Belarus]. Minsk: Belarus, 2007.
Tamara Habrus et al., Sbor pomnikau history i kultury Belarusi [Compendium of Monuments of History and Culture of Belarus], Vols. 1-7. Minsk: Belarusian Soviet Encyclopedia, 1987-1994.
Tamara Habrus et al., Historyya belaruskaga mastatsva [History of Belarusian Art]. Vols. 1-7. Minsk: Navuka i taekhnika, 1987-1994.
Tamara Habrus et al., Arkhitaektura Belarusi. Entsyklapedychny davednik [Architecture of Belarus. Encyclopedic Companion]. Minks: Belarusian Encyclopedia, 1993.
Yulia Yaumenenka “Kraina Doilidau” [interview with Tamara Habrus], Navuka, 24.08.2020:
“Habrus Tamara Viktaranauna,” Belarus u asobakh i padzeyakh: https://bis.nlb.by/ru/documents/138461
Main image: http://gazeta-navuka.by/novosti/1786-kraina-dojlida (last accessed on 18.07.2022)
Fig. 1: http://gazeta-navuka.by/novosti/1786-kraina-dojlida (last accessed on 18.07.2022)
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