Tatyana Zaichenko


Elina Amann, translated and edited by Alla Vronskaya


RUM: Tatiana Zaicenco

ENG: Tatyana Zaichenko

RUS: Татьяна Зайченко

Life Dates:





Field of expertise:

Architectural Design, Historic Preservation


Chişinău Polytechnic Institute (1970)

Biography and Work

Tatyana Zaichenko was born into a Moldovan family in the rural Telenești District of central Moldova. Unable, despite trying, to enter Moscow Architectural Institute, she proceeded to study architecture at Chişinău Polytechnic Institute, graduating in 1970. She was recognized as the best student of her year, and offered a position at Chişinăugorproekt, where she would eventually rise to head of architects’ group. In this role, she designed several prefabricated residential buildings in Chişinău. In the aftermath of the independence of Moldova, she designed residential buildings, cultural buildings (including a children’s theater, a cinema, and a school library), and commercial spaces. She also worked on projects of preservation and reconstruction of historic buildings, including the rebuilding of the National History Museum of Moldova in 1980-1987.

Fig. 1: National History Museum of the Republic of Moldova, Chişinău, architect Heinrich Lonski, 1886; rebuilt by Tatyana Zaichenko in 1980-1987. Photograph by Mirek237. Creative Commons license.


https://timpul.md/articol/tatiana-zaicenco-arhitectura-nu-are-nici-varsta-nici-sex-84439.html (last accessed on 09.02.2023)

 Mariana Șlapac, “Contribution of Women Architects to the Architectural-urban Development of Chișinău,” DIALOGICA. Cultural Studies and Literature Scientific Journal, Vol. 11(Nr. 2/2022), 47–57. Available online: https://zenodo.org/record/7033806#.Y-VgY62ZNPZ. (last accessed on 09.02.2023)

https://www.nationalmuseum.md/en/history/ (last accessed on 09.02.2023)

Illustration credits

Fig. 1: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chisinau_Museum_of_Archeology_and_the_History.jpg Image in public domain. (last accessed on 10.03.2023)

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