Tetyana Moreva

Urban planner

Alla Vronskaya


Tetyana Moreva (Морєва Тетяна Абрамівна)

Life Dates:

1921 – 1989


Field of expertise:

Urban planning


Award of the State Construction Committee of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, 1979.

Short Biography

Tetyana Moreva graduated from the Architecture Department of Kharkiv Institute of Engineering and Construction in 1949, proceeding to work at design institutes Donetskdiproshakht, Teploelektroproekt, Kharkiv branch of Dipromisto, and Kharkivproekt. She developed masterplans for several residential districts (microdistricts) in Kharkiv, including Saltivka, Oleksiivsky, and Sosnova hirka. As a part of a team of designers, she received the award of the State Construction Committee of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic for the planning of Oleksiivsky residential district in Kharkiv (1979).

Fig. 1: Oleksiivsky residential district (1979)