List of Institutions

RTU – Riga Technical University / Riga Polytechnic Institute

The Riga Polytechnic Institute was first established in 1862, making it the oldest in the Baltic States. Its purpose was to escape the shortage of higher education institutions. Already in its founding years, the educational institution offered architecture as a course, among other technical faculties. It was nationalized in 1896 and became a part of the State University of Latvia. The branch was renamed Riga Polytechnic Institute (Rīgas Politehniskais institūts – RPI). Riga Technical University / Riga Technical University was founded after the split from the State University of Latvia in 1958 and to this day offers degree programs of architecture and urban planning, civil engineering or electrical engineering, among others.

Graduates: Inese Aizstrauta, Zaiga Gaile, Inguna Rībena

University of Latvia / Latvian State University (LVU)

The University of Latvia was founded in 1919 on the basis of the Riga Polytechnic (today: RTU) and is located in the capital Riga. Until the Soviet occupation, the university was the Latvian center for education and science. In 1944/ 45 the university was nationalized and turned into the Latvian State University (LVU). The University is “a state institution of academic education, science and culture serving the needs of Latvia and its people” stated the Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia at the independence of Latvia (1991), confirming the importance of the institution for the country.

Graduates: Ausma Skujiņa, Marta Staņa

State Institute of Urban Planning of the Latvian SSR

No information is available on this institution.

Employees: Zaiga Gaile

Soviet Latvia collective farm

No information is available on this institution.

Employees: Zaiga Gaile

State Building Inspectorate of Latvia

No information is available on this institution.

Employees: Inese Aizstrauta


There is no information available about this institution.

Employees: Ausma Skujiņa


There is no information available for this institution.

Employees: Ausma Skujiņa


There is no information available about this facility.

Employees: Ausma Skujiņa


There is no information available on this facility.

Employees: Ausma Skujiņa

“Alauksts” of the Cesis district

There is no information available about this institution.

Employees: Ausma Skujiņa


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