Text und illustrations by Christine Heidrich. Translation by Constanze Kummer.
When it comes to architecture, women have rarely been seen in leading roles anywhere in the world, but this is not the case in Cuba’s capital Havana, whose urban renewal is exemplary and demonstrates their skills with works that have won many international awards. In this way, they have contributed to the preservation of one of the largest existing “architectural museums” in the world.
Research project, book and exhibition
The traveling exhibition ‘Frauen erneuern Havanna’ [Women Renewing Havana], which accompanies the book of the same name, shows the female dimension of the architectural world cultural heritage of Havana’s old city. Photographs by Christine Heidrich, Ewa Maria Wolańska, Milayra Pabel, and Lara von Dänikensow as well as collages and texts from the book provide a glimpse into the work of Cuban female architects and engineers. The research and writing work on this project took place between 2017 and 2020. During this time, I traveled to Havana several times to interview female planners from different age groups on site and to visit their working environment. Twelve of these planners and a selection of their works are portrayed in the book. As oral history, their reports form an essential basis for the publication. In addition to the excerpts from the book, the exhibition presents additional photographic material on the protagonists’ sphere of activity.
Building in Havana
At the beginning of the 20th century, Havana was one of the most modern metropolises in the world. A lot of money came into the city, mainly due to American investors and their extensive business in sugar production. During the reign of President Fulgencio Batista, numerous buildings were constructed according to the latest trends of the time, and a number of technical innovations were introduced from Europe and North America, for example in the use of concrete for modern wall and ceiling constructions. The construction boom, in which the Mafia was also involved, finally came to an abrupt end on January 1, 1959, with the popular and independence revolution led by Fidel Castro. But construction continued in Cuba. Even after the revolution, outstanding internationally recognized examples of contemporary architecture were built in Havana, such as the Escuelas de Arte (National Art Schools) in Cubanacàn (1961-1965), various housing estates in Habana del Este (1959-1961) and the University of CUJAE (1964). When the Eastern Bloc collapsed in the early 1990s, Cuba was plunged into a severe economic crisis. Since the 1970s, the country has been struggling with the economic, trade and financial embargo imposed by the United States. Nevertheless, by the time of the 500th anniversary of Havana in 2019, large parts of the old city had been renovated. Many of the construction projects have received national and international awards under the supervision of women.
State construction
The current construction system in Cuba is organized by the state. This has certain advantages for urban renewal in Havana. For example, the common administrative system simplifies communication among the authorities. Since land is also state property in Cuba, urban planning procedures are less complicated than in countries with a private sector. Public projects such as plaza design can be implemented more quickly.
Women Architects in Havana
Under the socialist government in Cuba, women have played a significant role in the building industry since the 1980s, especially with their contributions to the restoration and rehabilitation of old buildings. This is a remarkable achievement, especially in a country that, until the revolution, was characterized by deeply rooted patriarchal, colonial structures and machismo. The innovative strategies for the renewal of the historic city center of Havana are also outstanding. In the second half of the 20th century, the dilapidated old town, damaged by the saline sea air, became increasingly unattractive. Many residents moved away from the dilapidated buildings and settled on the outskirts of the city in new buildings from the 1960s. The old town fell into disrepair. When it and its historic fortifications were declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982, this contributed significantly to the development of the urban renewal program. It is characterized, among other things, by its sociological dimension, such as participatory processes, public discussion rounds or citizen-oriented actions to revitalize the neighborhoods.
Architecture office Restaura
The success of the urban renewal program is due to the work of the Office of the Urban Historian (Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de la Habana, OHCH). This important state institution for the preservation of historical cultural assets and architecture in Cuba also includes the company Restaura. This architectural office, which is also state-owned, is responsible for all architectural planning in the entire old city of Havana. In addition to restorations and renovations, this also includes new buildings, expansions, plaza designs and street furniture.
Women in management
The office has an impressive proportion of women, especially in management positions: 220 employees more than 60% of them women13 of 16 management positions (80%) are held by women. The work of these women is characterized by various qualities, according to Eusebio Leal Spengler, urban historian of Havana and head of OHCH, who died in 2020: First, by their eye for detail, which extends to the arrangement of decoration in the finished building. On the other hand, in the planning and construction process itself. In the planning of residential buildings, for example, the planners’ keen social sense for the needs of the neighborhood residents has proved particularly successful.
Teamwork – a strength of Cuban women
The skill of Cuban women architects and engineers as construction managers is also noteworthy: Under their leadership, craftsmen have found solutions to the most difficult construction tasks that were previously dismissed as impossible under male leadership. The motivation of teams is a particular strength of Cuban women architects, and their promotion of cohesion and identification with the construction task stimulates extraordinary achievements in planning and construction. But the female architects and engineers themselves are also highly committed. They even go to the construction sites at night when a part of the building threatens to collapse and immediate action is required. The architect Irén Blanco, who is currently living in Europe and knows the working world here as well as there, confirms: “In Cuba, we always work as a team.”