Alla Vronskaya
Yevheniya Kyrychenko (Євгенія Григор’євна Кириченко)
Field of expertise:
Architectural Design
Kyrychenko made her name with the design of Factory-kitchen for the workers of the Red Banner factory in Kyiv (1931). In 1933, she moved to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy in the far east of Russia, where she headed the Design Department of Kamchatka Joint-Stock Company, which developed workers’ housing, clubs, and schools. Returning to Kyiv in 1938, she began working at Kyiv APU, designing residential neighborhoods for Kyiv. Her subsequent fate remains unknown.
Yu. P. Zorya, “Tvorchi peremogi kyivskikh planuval’nits” [“Creative victories of Kyiv women-planners], Arkhitektura Radyanskoi Ukrainy [Architecture of Soviet Ukraine], 1940, No. 6: 33-35.
Main image: Yu. P. Zorya, “Tvorchi peremogi kyivskikh planuval’nits” [“Creative victories of Kyiv women-planners], Arkhitektura Radyanskoi Ukrainy [Architecture of Soviet Ukraine], 1940, No. 6: 33-35.
Fig. 1: Yu. P. Zorya, “Tvorchi peremogi kyivskikh planuval’nits” [“Creative victories of Kyiv women-planners], Arkhitektura Radyanskoi Ukrainy [Architecture of Soviet Ukraine], 1940, No. 6: 33-35.
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